Clear and Practical Commercial Real Estate Advice

If you're buying, selling, or leasing a property, contact a lawyer with experience in commercial real estate transactions. David K. Wanger is a pragmatic, efficient attorney who helps clients draft leases and create purchase or sale agreements that offer protection during a real estate transaction.

The Process

When David takes on a new client, he begins with a free consultation. He'll sit down with you, discuss your goals, and offer advice on how to proceed. Once you are on the same page about what you are trying to accomplish, he will draft a document that you can send to a landlord, seller, or buyer. This document explains in precise language what you want from the deal. David focuses on removing extraneous fluff, and he is known for his economical, pragmatic style. He doesn't waste time with flowery language or useless boilerplate. His writing gets to the heart of the matter and expresses it with clarity. If negotiations are required, he helps you make decisions and redrafts the letter until an agreement is reached.

Leasing Agreements

When leasing a property, a clear leasing agreement is essential to protect both parties. David helps landlords and tenants draft comprehensive agreements and negotiate terms.

Purchase & Sale Agreements

A property purchase agreement ensures that the seller really does own the property being sold, that no creditors have liens on the property, and that the buyer is protected from unexpected surprises down the road — for example, a neighbor's fence that extends beyond the property line. With a well-written purchase and sale agreement, both the buyer and the seller will be able to enter into the transaction with confidence. David writes agreements that help his clients get the deal that was negotiated.